Researchers Day
The Researchers Day is an annual scientific conference organised by SynHERA. This event aims to be a real window into the applied research conducted by Universities of Applied Sciences and their associated Research Centres in various subject areas (agronomy, applied arts, economics, paramedical studies, education, social and technical).
The Researchers Day allows new and experienced researchers to present their research work through oral or poster presentations. Different types of projects may be showcased, relating to start-up or ongoing research, on an innovative method or process or even on a theoretical concept.
De plus, cette journée donne l’opportunité à ces scientifiques de se rencontrer, d’échanger, de s’inspirer mutuellement, et de découvrir la richesse de l’écosystème de la recherche appliquée au cours de différents temps forts :
Parallel workshop sessions
Poster sessions
Socialising and networking opportunities
This event takes place every year at a different UAS premises and welcomes over a hundred participants.
So, whether you're an interested, novice, thirsty for knowledge or you would like to showcase your work and catch the eye of your peers, come to the next Universities of Researchers Day !

JdCHE 2023 ICI